During the late 1700s to the mid-1800s the original forest cover was cut down to supply charcoal to the nearby iron industry in Salisbury, Connecticut. Like many former New England farms that have reverted to forest over the past 150 years, Mountain Falls forest is comprised of similar aged trees, successional hard woods, white pine and hemlock with little understory for wildlife habitat. Deer had overgrazed young hardwoods and pines struggling to gain a foothold on the forest floor.
We have instituted a selective timbering program under the supervision of a consulting forester and forest management plan approved by the Massachusetts State Forester. Newly logged areas are now experiencing successional growth which significantly enhances wildlife diversity.
Stewards of the land
Recognizing the current value of the mature timber, we engaged a professional forester to prepare a 20-year woodland management plan for the farm. The property now mostly falls under the Massachusetts Chapter 61 forest stewardship program which protects it from development and significantly lowers annual real estate taxes. A portion of the land is also protected under an easement with the Nature Conservancy.
A Forest understory now provides forage and habitat for ground nesting birds like ruffed grouse. Deer, rabbits and other animals can shelter in the dense first growth birch trees and wild blackberries – which the bears love, as evidenced by their “calling cards” deposited on the woodland roads! Our game cameras now record more predators like coyotes and bobcats as a result of the new forest growth.
Many of the forest trees die from blight or blow down in storms. We have contracted with a local lumberjack to remove the dead trees and sell them as firewood.
Portable Mill
From time to time we have also engaged a portable saw mill operator to cut logs into timber for our own construction projects. After mastering a woodworking course, Skip crafted a downed cherry tree into a lovely drop-leaf table, and planks from a white pine have become a farmhouse table for ten.